Meditation and Spirituality

Mysticism offer the opportunity to have a transformation of consciousness that brings happiness, intelligence, and personal power. Mysticism involves an awakening of the perception of the most essential planes of reality, which are our very selves. These planes are the source of conscious and as real as physics and yet undiscovered or codified by modern science. While modern science has alluded to them in the fields of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, they are not considered perceivable realities but rather logical conclusions based on empirical experiments.

Mysticism involves the perception of light. An inner light that is brilliant and profoundly transformative. This light can be seen as an actual visual perception that does not use the eyes but rather the mind as a perceptive faculty. To see the light is to become the light, which is the function by which we see beyond mundane sense perception. The perception of light is the definition of mysticism, and while this may not be used as a vehicle for conscious expansion for all mystics (those who can perceive on this level), it is a powerful approach to augmenting conscious perception the results in rapid change through what one might call the application of power.

Light is the result of love. Its power is not our own. The power of light is impersonal and comes through one’s consciousness when the individualized self is not asserting separative existence. Love. Its perception is the result of union, which occurs in the expansion of the essential substance of Self. Light is a dissolving agent that purifies one of impressions that have energetic manifestation in the aura and body, and is therefore a profound healing modality, perhaps the most profound, for it is the direct dissolution of the past, bringing one into their innate and unassailable eternal essence.

Meditation is about light. The apex of meditative practice includes the experience of light in some form, ultimately the purest light of nirvana. While this may not be emphasized by all great spiritual teachers who have attained the highest levels of consciousness, the presence of light is an indicator of conscious expansion. Various practices in meditation help us to move toward the ability to perceive light. Metaphysics, which may be defined as the perception of the hidden planes of energy, perhaps electromagnetic, includes energy work relating to the energetic vortices and other bioelectromagnetic structures which comprise the subtle biological system. This form of healing work, including kundalini yoga, tai chi, pranayama, and various other occult practices, is not as deep or profound as energy work done at the level of mysticism, which involves light. The reason for this is light is the source of this subtly physical manifestation, light is the essence of energy. Light is formless, energy has form. One may consider light a form of energy, but it may be more semantically clear to call it the power and substance of consciousness. The fabric of the dream of dimensionality, the creator of perception, including the perception of occult bio-energetic structures and environmental energetic forms. Therefore, light is the apex of spiritual practice, it being the substance of spirit.

To experience light one must attune to it within the psychic field of experience. To do so one must be directed through an empathic transmission or reverberation with an individual who has themselves learned to hold their awareness field in a state fluid enough to allow the ambient essence of reality to prevail. This form of transmission is a teaching at the esoteric level, meaning it can not be conveyed through intellect. Exoteric intellectual structures can inspire one to seek the esoteric. Comprehending mystical experiences at the intellectual level can be used to deepen mystical experiences, but do not bring that experience on their own.

Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of love. Mysticism is the the yoga of light, and is also called Raja Yoga. Both take you to the divine center or ultimate truth. Advanced meditation practice includes all the aspects of oneself and their life. Between meditations one lives meditation through a natural and effortless virtue that comes from humility and love. Life is energy work, as every action taken informs ones energetic state.

To experience a transformation of consciousness one must do more than meditate. To live as love with its intelligence and guidance in all situations, is to have virtue. Virtue comes naturally when one is in a state of consciousness where they see correctly what is, ultimately that we are one, and therefore acts on behalf of the totality. Love cannot be selfish. A complete spiritual practice involves a formal meditation practice in which one prioritized a return to essence as light, as well as an understanding of life in which one lives mindfully as an expression of virtue. Working with a spiritual teacher includes cultivation of both aspects of one’s being.

Love and light are not the only path to greater consciousness. Both will be present for the advanced mystic, but the path or means of transformation can be something else. For example, jnana yoga is the yoga of discovering the true self as knowledge. When one knows this, they are love and light. Or karma yoga, in which one acts in service as a conduit of god’s will, acts to liberate one from the confines of separate existence. Or tantra, which is an extremely advanced practice in which one acts intuitively in accordance with truth, leaving behind all paths, doctrines, and ideals. All of these yogas result in the true seeing of reality that comes from transcending individuality.


The following is a general guideline for the topics covered in the Bhakti Mathematics Community programs. You’ll learn the intersection of love and mysticism. Our meetings are designed to awaken your mystical faculties and help you embody divine love through a transformation of consciousness and opening of the heart. The program includes mystical meditation in which you perceive the hidden planes of energy and awaken them within your energetic body. It also cover topics related to your transformation and outline a cosmology to help you navigate the occult and esoteric nature of reality awakening in you. 

General Outline of Possible Topics Discussed

1: Bioelectromagnetics, Kundalini, Light, and The Four Planes of Creation.
2: The Four Path of Yoga – Bhakti, Karma, Jnana, and Raja, their principles and mechanisms of transformation and how to use them for awakening.
3: Bhakti Yoga – The Yoga of Love. The heart chakra, love as the existential answer to the human condition, and how to awaken divine love.
4: Kensho, Satori, Samdhi, Liberation and Enlightenment, and the different levels and types of awakening and indicators of each.
5: Buddhism and Zen, the four noble truths and key principles in energy cultivation and the development of mental clarity.
6: Dharma, Purpose, Career, Creativity, and Personal Truth.
7: Energy cultivation and psychic energy dynamics.
8: Psychologocal cultivation and high-frequency energetic attunement through effective exposure to cultural Influences.
9: Positivity and optimal use of focus for greatest happiness, energy, and love.
10: Metaphysical aids for energy cultivation.


1: Introduction to Light in meditation. The four planes of reality – Physical, Astral, Causal, Eternal – and the biological aspects of these planes. Understanding the nature of electricity, magnetism, chi, kundalini, and the substance of transcendental awareness known as shakti, as well as the self as it exists in impersonal awareness. Discussion of the energy vortexes of the chakras, energy tubes or nadi, granthi, the aura and the bioelectromagnetic nature of these biological layers. Development of the ability to see energy both in the astral and causal, for the purpose of transcendence and healing.

2: Introduction to the four paths of yoga – Bhakti, Karma, Jnana, Raja – and how they are used for spiritual development. Basic introduction to the mechanism of transformation associated with each path. Discovering your personal predilection in spiritual path and which path is predominant for you. Also, getting started building a spiritual routine. What is a routine and why is it essential. Discussion of consistency of time and space in routine, building karma, and spiritual transformation.

3: Introduction to Love and Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Love, and the essential principles to Bhakti. What is love, what is loving, learning about knowledge and the occult faculties related to love, like empathy and intuition. Why love is such a powerful healer and the ultimate existential goal of beings. Learning how to build these principles into your daily habits to awaken greater love and live on a loving wavelength. Understanding these principles in detail and learning practical and specific applications of them in your daily life. Discussion of yin and yang, and the application of yin to awaken love.

4: Introduction to Enlightenment, understanding what it is to be pursuing enlightenment, what it even means to be on the path to enlightenment, and the different stages that one progresses through on this path. Discussion of savikalpa samadhi, nirvikalpa samadhi, sahaja samadhi, nirvana, kensho, satori, and the different mystical experiences along the way. Including the differences between levels of enlightenment and the progression through them. Discussion of the well-known Enlightened spiritual teachers, their books, and their unique expressions of Enlightenment.

5: Introduction to Buddhism, the four noble truths, and how to apply them in your life. Developing an understanding of the cause of suffering and how one can approach life so as not to get enmeshed in suffering, from the perspective of Buddhism. Also, introduction to Zen, including the Zen sentiments of simplicity, mindfulness, dispassion, and how to apply these in your daily living to awaken greater consciousness. The concepts of doing one thing at a time, giving your full attention to what you do, simplifying your life outwardly and inwardly with psychic considerations.

 6: Dharma, Sva Dharma, and your nature as an expression of God. Discovering who you really are, remembering the wish of the 6-year-old you. Uncovering your values and principles in life. Understanding the concept of dharma and truth, and what they mean in your personal spiritual practice. The difference between universal dharma and your personal dharma, and the energetic effects of alignment with dharma.

7: Introduction to energy, how to generate it, how to protect it from dissipation, how to store it. Including psychic and interpersonal energic dynamics, how to develop beneficial inaccessibility, protect yourself psychically, and also how to generate energy through Dharma and creative flow.

8: Navigating psychological development and cultural inheritance through selective exposure to energy wavelengths. The application of reading, consideration of social associations, and the limitation of exposure to cultural noise. Also, considerations of time and space, matter and energy, and the source of dimensionality, the witness, and the supreme. Discussion of topics in physics, mathematics, ontology and epistemology, and the western verses eastern concepts of reality.

9: A deep dive into positivity, including the principles of optimism, faith, gratitude, radiance, positive focus, and how to apply these concepts directly in daily life to produce greater energy, manifestation, and love.

10: Metaphysical aids and tools, including crystals, plants, nature, energy lines in the earth, herbs and acupuncture, fasting and diet. Learning to use intuition and inner sight to work with these tools. Also, celestial events and alignments related to the moon and sun including solstices and equinoxes and the gravitational shifts of perihelion, aphelion, perigee and apogee. Understanding these events and learning practical applications of them in your spiritual practice for accelerated progress.