The Heart Of
Mathematics Education


Get on the Path to Enlightenment
with Spiritual Mathematics

Enlightenment is the Ultimate State of Mind. It is the greatest revelation of truth, the most divine embodiment of love, the most complete freedom, the deepest peace, and the most effulgent light of consciousness. The Ultimate Experience of Mathematics converges in this Ultimate Experience of the Universe.


Teach Spiritual Mathematics to Kids as a Part of Your Holistic Spiritual Practice

Progress on your path to enlightenment with a wholistic spiritual lifestyle that integrates your spiritual practice and livelihood through mathematics and meditation. Become a founding member in our Mentorship Program. Study with The Bhakti Math Guru to become a Mentor of homeschooled and extracurricular students who want to learn mathematics as a spiritual path. Integrate your livelihood with your spiritual practice. Work from your computer anywhere in the world. Make the world a better place by spreading love and intelligence to children and families. Improve the lives of children and families. Progress optimally on your path to enlightenment.


Study Mathematics and Spirituality as a Homeschooled or Extracurricular Student

Get on your path to enlightenment while mastering mathematics and developing a full-spectrum intelligence. Study with a Home Mentor as a part of your homeschooled or extra-curricular experience. Awaken a full-spectrum intelligence that develops the mind and the heart through mathematics and meditation.


Study the Spiritual Path of Mathematics as a Member of our Spiritual Community.

Progress on your path to enlightenment with a spiritual practice that centers on mathematics and meditation. Study with The Bhakti Math Guru online as a member of The Bhakti Mathematics Community. Learn mathematics, meditation, and coding in three, one-hour online classes each week. Study alongside mentors while earning your livelihood another way.


Take a Spiritual Mathematics Class as a Guest in Our Community.

Join one of our three weekly classes to learn mathematics, meditation, or coding, and get an experience of our community without signing up to be a member.

Join Our Movement

Our Vision

We are inspired by and hold paramount the vision of a cultural inheritance that empowers people to be deeply happy.

Our Work

We are contributing to this vision by spreading the wisdom and love of enlightenment through the practice of an enlightened approach to mathematics.

We are born into this world. Each of us is a reflection of the culture that we inherit. Our experience of life is determined by that inheritance. Generations before consciously and unconsciously developed this culture and passed it down to us. The most important and greatest service to humanity is to augment this inheritance so that it produces the most beautiful experience of life for future generations and ourselves. We are inspired by a cultural inheritance that empowers people to be deeply happy, that shows them how they can live and gives them the chance to find their way in the universe of life. We are working toward this vision by spreading the teachings of enlightenment, which is the way to happiness, through an approach to mathematics that is imbued with the principles of enlightenment. Anything can be a spiritual path, but mathematics offers a potent approach that when done in this enlightened way produces a happiness with a unique quality of beauty and lucidity. And since the majority of the world learns math as a core educational discipline, the transformation of mathematics education is one of the most leveraged ways to spread the teachings of enlightenment and in turn human happiness. The power of mathematics as the most essential abstract structuring of the mind is that it gives us command over the manifest universe so that we may build the outer experiences that our inner happiness can enjoy. Each one of us, mentors, seekers, and yogis, by transforming ourselves and/or teaching, is creating this new cultural inheritance for humanity. Enlightenment and degrees of enlightenment produce happiness. To be happy is to know the eternal self within the present moment. This self is ecstatic bliss and joy and the essence and substance of life. Through the correct use of the mind and heart one can reveal this self and abide in its uncaused happiness. This truth and blessing reverberates through the ages in the prophetic teachings as the fundamental aim of human life.

Our Classes

Join our online classes with The Bhakti Math Guru, Monday through Thursday each week at 6 pm PST.


Experience mathematics in a whole new light by seeing mathematical truths as self-evident in the direct perception of mathematical elegance. Elucidate the mind with pure abstract mathematical structure so that you can enjoy an orderly mind of beauty and power. Accelerate on your path to enlightenment by transcending into the lucidity that allows for deeper meditation and union with ultimate truth.


Awaken greater consciousness and the uncaused happiness within through meditation and the study of enlightenment. Grow in love and metaphysical health, learn to see the occult planes of reality, awaken a sacredness within your own mind that reveals an ever more beautiful universe of your own experience. Progress on the path to moksha and liberation at a pace that is right for you by building a spiritual lifestyle and routine.


Deepen your mathematical understanding and further develop a well-structured mind through mathematical coding. Learn and practice the principles of art and enlightenment by applying them in the practice of code. Develop metaphysically by practicing enlightenment while you code. Create mathematical art and become proficient in the modern tool of mathematics.

Mentorship Training

Learn to teach spiritual mathematics to homeschooled and extra-curricular kids who want to learn mathematics as a spiritual path. Learn an enlightened pedagogy that makes mathematical study a blissful experience that awakens intelligence and love. Learn the business logistics necessary for being a Mentors in the Home program.